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Clarity for Insurance Contracts

Why can't insurance contracts be more helpful than intimidating?

Here's what we learned after putting ourselves in the customers' shoes:

“It’s hard to find answers I'm looking for.”

“Looked at the index and I got lost.

“Can we make it easier to find information and navigate the document?”

“Even though the questions were simple, I couldn’t find the answers!

“I was looking to see if there were any exclusions and I couldn’t find them.”

“I thought this contract was fine, until I had to use it to find an answer.

What's the problem?

What's the solution?

Implement a new style guide called "Project Clarity."

What are the challenges?

  • FWD Singapore has over 12 distinctly different insurance products that will need to be dissected in-depth and tailored into Project Clarity within a limited timeframe.

  • Coaching the product team to look at writing insurance contracts in a different way from what they are used to.

  • Ensuring that the meaning of the contracts do not change and remain in compliance with legal requirements.

How did I help?

Starting with Travel and Maid insurance contracts:

Aside from coaching, I worked with the product team to remap the claims process and benefit illustration. Claiming a benefit is the most important process for our customers.

3 types of people are eligible to make a Maid insurance claim. it's important to distinguish what the employer, maid and family member can claim and how:

As for Travel insurance, there are three types of claims, as there are three timeframes for each claim:

  1. Before a trip

  2. During a trip

  3. After a trip

Based on this, we were able to redesign the existing insurance contracts to make claiming easier for customers.

Three categories of claims:


  • Trip - Flight issues and reservations

  • Things - Theft, and lost belongings

  • Health - Medical and hospitalisation related


Your policy benefits at a glance

  • Protecting your travel plans

  • Protecting your stuff

  • Protecting you and your health

The new FWD Maid insurance policy benefits at a glance

  • Financial protection for you

  • Financial protection for your helper

  • Optional financial protection for you or your helper

+ How to make a claim

What else did I help with?

  • Plain language

  • Access structures

  • Use of colour

  • Icons and diagrams

  • Clear layout and design

  • Helpful guidance

I've added a few pages about making claims through the app and claims portal, which were never in the original contracts.

Does it work?

Well, here's the math based on FWD Hong Kong's research.

Even though I was only involved in two revamped contracts, the first few steps are the hardest. I've helped the teams involved set the pace and expectations in implementing Project Clarity for the remaining insurance products in Singapore.


Richard Yap, Product Manager

Cadence Gee, Product Manager

Gavin Lai, Brand and CX Manager

Luzanne Chong, Head of UX

Kamal Taib, UX Manager

Chng Yu King, Designer

Mahima Tankha Marwah, Head of Marketing

Saibal Bhattacharya, Head of Product


More of my work

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