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UX Copy in Up-selling and Cross-selling

How does better UX copy help make a customer feel better about making another purchase... right after completing a purchase?!

Honestly, there can only be assumptions until the product has been launched and tested. For this project, I make assumptions based on my knowledge of previous journeys and customer personas, and create educated assumptions that improve the initial copy.

What's the challenge?

Up-selling and cross-selling are crucial journeys, because they help pay our salaries. In this project, we carefully map out the customer journey to have an understanding of what the journey will be like.

Three journey's to anticipate:

  1. User is enticed to take up the offer and complete the up-sell/cross-sell journey.

  2. User declines the offer and finds a way to end the journey.

  3. User drops out of the journey like a hot potato. Bye.

While carefully avoiding the last scenario, I wanted to do my best to cater to scenario 1 and 2, so I create two personas for this stage:

Scenario 1 problems:

  • Customer drops out mid-journey

  • Customer is not familiar with the voucher offer

  • Customer does not have requirements on hand to complete the journey

  • Customer becomes impatient

  • Customer becomes overwhelmed by the "thank you" screen

Opportunities to consider:

  • Allow the customer to save the cross-sell journey for a limited time

  • Consider a personalised visual and copy that attracts the target customer

  • Consider an option to submit the documents required later

  • Indicate where the progress bar is

  • Consider sending a reminder email to finish the final steps after purchase

Scenario 2 problems:

  • Customer is not ready to make another purchase

  • Customer is not interested with voucher offer

Opportunities to consider:

  • Allow the customer to save the cross-sell journey for a limited time

  • Consider a personalised visual and copy that attracts the target customer

Streamlining the copy for the first test version:

Another round of user testing will be done after getting the analysis from the first few months. There will definitely be more iterations for this journey. For now, the priority for the launch was to test how customers feel about it.


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