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UX Copy - Never Say Submit

What's the problem?

Inside the app, you'll find yourself haunted by zombie-like buttons repeating the same word over and over. While it works just fine for describing the process, it could mean more to the user if it were more contextual.

How did I help?

Lucky for me, I was onboard to rethink these buttons:

Fixing this is simple!

Here are my guidelines:

  1. Give context to your buttons

  2. Describe the step

  3. Avoid repeating words in the screen

  4. If allowed, use colour cues

  5. Careful not to mislead

1. Give context to your buttons - avoid standard responses

2. Describe the step - but keep it short

3. Avoid repeating words - if it's already in the headline, say something else

4. If allowed, use colours - colour cues help make it easy

5. Careful not to mislead - yes, we don't like it when buttons are hidden, do what's right


More of my work

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