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Why Skip Matters

We often debate about the options that best capture the intentions of our users. For this scenario, we'll explore how adding skip option can potentially benefit users.

Choosing a resume template is one of the first steps in our resume builder. There are

potential issues that users face in this step.

Figure 1.1

Users select years of experience before choosing a template.


Analysis paralysis:

  • There are over 30 templates to choose from and browsing them can be overwhelming

  • Users encounter template categories and may not know what works best for their needs

Need for speed:

  • Users may want to get a resume faster and prioritize content over design

No turning back:

  • Users are not aware that they can change the template later if they can't decide at the moment

Content first, design later:

  • Users may find it difficult to choose a template without seeing their own content in it

Figure 1.2

In the baseline design, users hover on a template to trigger the choose button.


  • There's a 21% drop-off from the Choose Template step to Resume Heading

  • We have seen analysis paralysis in past research studies for this step

  • A similar product addressed this issue and resulted in a 2% CVR win


  • Allow users to skip this step and select a template later in the final step.

  • Suggest a temporary template if the user decides to skip template selection.

Figure 1.3

Content matrix for the skip button.

Figure 1.4

Proposed design solution incorporating the new CHOOSE LATER button.

Figure 1.5

Content matrix for the recommendation tooltip.

Figure 1.6

New Template Recommendation tooltip.


2.97% more users reached the final step and subscribed.

By allowing users to “choose later”, we can defer the template selection process and allow them to start working on the content of their resume. Once they have content, they become more invested in the product. This makes it easier for them to confidently choose a template.


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